Monday, February 8, 2010

I Told You So

This is what I was looking at when a scrapbook store got dropped in my workshop, just two weeks before shipping!!! It was crazy! The cupboards that you can sort of see in the background house all of the supplies for Monday Night Class, so you can tell just how difficult it was to access anything!
Can you even see the tables that are under all of this crap? No wonder it took so many people to reorganize and sort all of this stuff. Where did it all go? Out in fifth wheel trailers, of course. Andrew was very cautious when he borrowed his to me. When he asked how long I would need it and I answered "For a while", he promptly asked how long a while was. I think that he has visions of going camping this summer with boxes of cardstock still being stored in his trailer. he might not be far from wrong!


Jennifer Reynard said...

Wow, you've come through a lot in a very short amount of time.
Will keep you and your family in my prayers!
Wish I lived closer so that I could help you out a wee bit. :)

Kimberly said...

Holy SCHMOLY!!!! I didn't even recognize the workshop....