Sunday, June 14, 2009

My First Random Encounter

I love the idea of "10 Random Things"!!! So here is my list of 10 things that I hate:

1) mice - first and foremost, I am totally creeped out by mice. If anyone wanted to torture me, all they would have to do is put me in a sealed room with one mouse. I would be insane in a half an hour. Seriously!! Which reminds me... when Megan was five, she put a dead mouse on the brake pedal of my car, because she was mad that I would not let her have a "third" Popsicle. I have never paid her back for that. Note To Self.

2) drywall dust - it is everywhere in my life right now. Hate, hate, hate it!!!

3) cold weather - I have Reynauld's Disease and cold is my enemy. The only time that I will be too warm is when they cremate me. I have battery operated socks and gloves that warm me up and have ordered a battery operated coat off the shopping channel to keep me cozy this winter. (It definitely is not a fashion statement) My one fear is that someday I will fall into some water and short out! (Maybe I will get the curly hair that I always dreamed about!)

4)mail - actually, this item should be up there with mice on my list of all time hates. Mail is evil, there is never anything exciting....bills, past due statements from bills that have been misplaced from all of the MAIL cluttering up my life, forms that have to be filled out like CAIS or gas rebate forms, WCB forms (prove that you are amputated?!??? Are you kidding me??) Never a nice letter from a friend or a card or a surprise amount of money or a notice that you are going to be published!! Just stupid, evil, mind sucking bills and forms. This is making me mad just writing it down....

5)computers that freeze or refuse to open things that you really need - always happens on shipping week.

6)headaches - I get a lot of those. See item #4

7)magpies - Why do we have them anyway? Why could they not be the next species to become extinct? What are their exact purpose in life? I say that we kill every single one that we can find, then stuff the last damn one and put it in the Smithsonian. Good riddance! My dog food bill would go down by hundreds of dollars every year and I could sleep past 6:00am in the morning.

8)Diet Pepsi. I really get irritated when a waitress tells me that they do not have Diet Coke. They always want to know if Diet Pepsi would be okay. Hell, NO!!! If I wanted a Diet Pepsi I would have ordered one. Do you really think that they are comparable?? Idiot...

9) confrontation - okay, so I ordered the Diet Pepsi (instead of saying what I really thought)

10) clutter - Christy, I am sorry that I delete all of your emails and then ask you the next day to resend them, because I have discovered that I need them after all. Clutter on a computer, in my car, in my house, drives me crazy. I am a minamalist - keep it simple, organized and keep it clean. Drive everyone around you crazy because you have thrown away all of their stuff, put their glass in the dishwasher, deleted their emails. Sorry! But it just ticks me off when my husband says something like "Have you seen that envelope with the ladies phone number in Hillspring that I put on the table two weeks ago"? YOU MUST BE -------KIDDING ME???? That sucker was long gone the same day that you put it there!

There! That is 10 things off my chest and I am ready to enjoy my day!


Kimberly said...

This is hilarious! A perfect 10 Randoms!!

Christy Riopel said...

You know...the make email folders...isn't putting it away just as good as throwing it out?

You crack me up!!!