Thursday, August 25, 2016

Oh, my friend... I have wanted to talk to you "one more time", no less than a dozen times in the last few days! You would be so excited to know that all the art supplies that we ordered are pouring into the workshop, you would love the new colours of paint and sprays, you would have been so encouraged to know that all the classes were full...

Just last night, we were talking about the fact that no one can fill your shoes. But, my dear sweet friend, we ARE NOT QUITTING! Everyone feels the same as I do - if we stop creating art, we loose the memory of you. We will not remember what to do when the canvas "goes south". We will not remember where the horizon line is supposed to be. We will not know what to do when our colours get muddy. We have to keep creating, to keep fresh in our mind the lessons that you taught us.

We will miss you asking if we trust you - just before you scribble all over our canvas. We will never forget you telling Jackie that her canvas was f****** ugly. (Insert hysterical laughter) We will miss your comments on our work and your suggestions. Our art will be ugly... it will not be as polished as it would have been had you been here... we will probably swear a lot... we will lament the fact that "it does not look right" and dozens of times a day, someone will say that they wish you were here!

BUT WE WILL KEEP CREATING!! We will not forget your teachings, oh wise one! We will create in your memory. You will be with us, guiding our hands, wiping our tears and laughing at our antics. You will be with us.


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