Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Clean Desk Is A New Lease On Life!

This was the weekend that I HAD to tackle my overflowing, piles on piles of paperwork, miscellaneous receipts that never match the cheques, dozens of notes to self, etc. etc. etc. that was overflowing my desk and the counter tops surrounding my desk. Two foot tall piles to be exact!!! My exploding paperwork clutter was even annoying my staff! Probably because every time that they asked for something, I would direct them to "the pile" and a half an hour later (or longer) they might find the answer to their question. It was paper "OUT OF CONTROL"! Today was D day and that hill had to be conquered. Bring on the beer!
Income tax, serious amounts of paperwork, forms that need to be filled out - all of these tasks require vast amounts of beer. Income tax requires cigarettes too! I have to admit that I usually only get motivated to deal with things such as these, when threatened with jail time, suspension of my bank account, or the arrival of a sheriff to seize our assets. Paperwork is mind numbing. There is no creativity involved, no satisfaction - just mind numbing torture.
My goal was to be able to see the top of my desk (in entirety) by Sunday noon. Thursday night I did the piles of stuff to the left of my desk, had some bottled beverages, praised myself for surviving even just that much and shuddered when I looked at what was left. Friday, I made sense of what was stored to the right of my desk. Today I had to come face to face with the actual desk itself. I was already down a case of beer and the worst part was yet to come.
I know that this probably sounds exaggerated, but what you have to realize is that not only am I the "keeper" of the paperwork for my company, but I also have farm books, WCB related paperwork that pertains to Mike and his injury, receipts that need to be claimed, CAIS forms, Monday Night Class memos by the dozens, client forms for four hundred people and notes pertaining to them, dozens of kit filling lists and designer notes, tens of dozens of memos regarding stock issues pertaining to certain kits, bills that need to be paid, need to be filed, need to be given to Edna, payroll, designers fee book, shipping lists, orders that have been filled, orders that haven't been filled, lists of card numbers that will not go through, and about forty notes for phone calls that need to be made - it just goes on and on and on... It is a wonder that I have not hung myself from the rafters a long time ago. It would be a full time job to keep it all up AND I DON'T WANT THAT JOB!!!!!
I can just about see the top of the desk and it is only Saturday night - I still have one more day! Then I am going to take a picture and rejoice in the fact that the allies have landed and the battle will be won! (Don't tell Edna that I threw half of it away!)


Christy Riopel said...

I won't tell Edna , if you don't tell on me!!

Tanya said...

I bet it is already a mess again. HaHa