Friday, April 8, 2011

Spring Fever

After all of my good intentions, my personal scrapbook intervention has not been entirely successful. I have had two really, really busy and intense weeks, hence, the stuff that was piled sky high - still is!! However, I did get the stuff to Allison for the scrapbook garage sale and I have set aside some supplies for a fellow scrapbooker (that I have not met) that lost her scrapbook supplies in a house fire. The rest is just sitting there, taunting me. I thought I heard the piles whispering "I'm winning, you can not control me!" After a strong start, I have started to fade in the home stretch. My greatest asset or liability is that I work the best under pressure. So this week the pressure is going to be added - Megan is due to have the baby and my husband's family is coming from Vancouver Island after the baby is born. Lucky for me, I can always come up with some sort of craziness in my life that keeps me stressing out and working hard. I am personally held together by a mixture of over commitment and extreme OCD. It is the very fabric of my life - that and Corona with a slice of lime! We are all jumping every time that we see Megan's phone number come up on our phones - the baby could come any day now. I never did get her freezer tricked out, she finally gave up on me and did it herself. She even delivered baby items to my house that "I" should have for her baby. Talk about over achieving and OCD - Megan had to admit the other day that she is becoming more and more like me. I think every mother is like that. We just are, we have to be. Families depend on us!! So we are on the count down. Unfortunately, Megan is not cooperating - she is still working out at the gym, getting pedicures and scrap booking. No baby in sight!! I'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Cindy, Thank you for the AMAZING weekend, it is all that I have heard and more! I can't wait to come back to your little piece of paradise!!