Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Mad Cow Disease!

       I still have to pinch myself - I can not believe that it is true, I finally found the PERFECT milk cow! Unfortunately, she was in Alberta Saskatchewan. When we set out, we believed that the farm we were looking for was at/or near Walsh, Alberta, but as we drove by the small town and then crossed the border, we realized that the directions given to us were leading us into Saskatchewan. When we passed by the "Welcome to Saskatchewan" sign, I got "the look" from Mike.

      My poor husband is convinced that I am loosing my mind and have entered into a full blown state of midlife crisis. Why else would I make him drive all the way (over 730 miles, round trip) to another province to buy a milk cow????? As if there are not enough cows in Alberta! And why a milk cow? Even though he was a little skeptical and not as excited as I was, about owning a Jersey, he was still a good sport, hooked up the stock trailer and drove me to meet Rosie.

      Little did Mike know, (or even myself) we were going to the mother ship of small farm animals. The second that we stepped out of the truck, we were met with an assortment of geese, ducks, dogs, llamas, chickens and horses. ANIMALS WERE EVERYWHERE!!! There must have been at least 30-40 breeding pens for heritage chickens and ducks, and I could not even begin to count all the "free range" animals. I am sure by the wild look in Mike's eyes, he was contemplating putting the truck in reverse and peeling to hell out of there! I jumped out as soon as the truck stopped - just so he could not bolt!

      Rosie was everything that she had been advertised to be. As soon as I met her, there was no doubt in my mind that she was coming home with us. I wanted to look around at all the chickens, but Mike knew better (chickens are like crack cocaine to me) and he hustled me out of there as fast as he could - I didn't even have time to stuff even one chicken in my pocket! I did, however, take the ladies business card and told her that I would be back in the spring, when she was hatching chicks!

       Rosie is a cross between a Jersey cow and a black Angus bull.

      She looks very much like the bottom picture, but she has doe eyes like the typical Jersey cow and a little brown hair mixed in with the black around her muzzle and in her top knot.  Most people that would look at her would think she is a beef cow, but she has the milking capability and the sweet temperament of the Jersey. She is the most lovable cow! Actually, I don't think she knows she is not a human! I am pretty sure that if you walked into the house and did not shut the door, she would follow you right inside!

       It has not stopped raining since we got home last night. I am not sure that Rosie likes the rain very much, she is presently standing by the fence, looking forlornly towards the house. I have not been able to go out and take any pictures of her, but as soon as it drys up, I am going to do a photo shoot with Rosie. 

      Now, all I have to do is find a friend for her! I am going to wait an appropriate amount of time and then bring up the subject of a second milk cow to keep her company. I am pretty sure that as long as it is not is Saskatchewan, I have a pretty good chance of getting a second Jersey!! Poor Mike! Maybe milk cows are my next fix! LOL

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