Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Today was an "interesting" day! Have you ever tried to bandage up a duck? A live, wriggling, squirming and SCREAMING duck? Me neither - until this morning!! LOL

This adventure started yesterday, when I noticed that Peaches had a wing sticking out at a 90 degree angle. A little search on the internet provided the diagnosis - Angel Wing. A condition caused by the duck growing so rapidly that the tender, wing tips twist under the pressure of the fast paced bone growth. A wild duck with this condition would die. Without the aide of flight, to escape predation, a duck with Angel Wing would be... (wait for it) A SITTING DUCK!!!!! ROTFL

Fuzzy Peaches, being a pet duck, could survive with a twisted wing. But she would not be pretty! Her cock eyed wing would stick out and bump on everything, she could be picked on by her siblings, Gumdrop and Jelly Bean, (yes, Peyton named the trio of ducklings!) but most importantly, it would just look WRONG! A quick Google search for a remedy led me to this morning's adventure! The only way to heal a twisted wing is to tightly tape the wing to the ducks body.

How hard could that be? (insert hysterical laughter)

With help from my dear husband (who just might think that I am losing my mind), a roll of green vet tape and two rolls of medical tape, we tried to catch the duck - turns out that even a handicapped duck can put up quite a fight! LOL. Then we had to hog tie  hog tape the duck! Not an easy task, when the patient is biting, hissing, screaming and defecating on you - did I mention that she was trying to rip my face off! LOL

The eventual outcome was one, football shaped, torpedo-ish, bitterly complaining, Muscovy duck. Peaches flopped pathetically around for the morning, refusing to stand or walk. I guess that duck wings must aide them in balance, judging by the sight of my duck rolling around on the ground. And did I mention the SCREAMING? There was a lot of screaming - some of it might have been from me!

Tonight, the tape is still on. Peaches is resting comfortably. I have to leave the tape on for about a week - please, God, do not let that tape come off! I might just not have the stamina to go through that duck rodeo again.

One thing is for sure - if I have to treat another duck, I will wear earplugs!

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