Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My 10 Random Rants

Yesterday was a tough day for me. These constant ever changing piles of mess that I would like to call "renovations" are getting the best of me - I have never been very good at chaotic situations, I get anxious at even a little disruption of my normally orderly life and yesterday was chaotic beyond description. It seems that for every step that we take, ahead, we take two steps back. This is a little snippet of yesterday...
1) Mom and Dad show up unexpectedly, with the big oak mirror for the master bathroom and about 100 feet of baseboard. Of course, they needed to work in the master bathroom, which was also the room that Mike had started work in. Mike vacates the bathroom. (Not happily)
2) One light fixture goes up without incident, one light fixture reminds me of the commercial on TV where the lady rips the candelier off of the ceiling and jumps up and down on it. After at least an hour of screwing around, we finally cut the damn thing off of the ceiling with a recipcocating saw and started over. Many, many bad words!!!!
3) Who knew that the assorted screws laying around in the sawdust and the bits of plastic and trimmed wires were important???? Obviously, from the commotion that happened when it was found out that I cleaned them up with the rest of the mess and threw them away, one would think that the hardware store was out of screws for good. Geeezz - it was just a few screws, I didn't throw a baby away!!!!
4) Then we started on the flooring in the bathroom...maybe husbands and wives should never work together. Here I am, all eager to please, I admit I don't know the first thing about anything, but at least I am a willing body, that is there to learn and to help. How do you spell D.I.V.O.R.C.E. ? Five hours later, I am contemplating putting a pick axe through his head. The best part - when it is all over, he says something like "Well, that wasn't too bad." Who are you kidding, buddy? I already have planned out in my head at least five horrible, gruesome ways that I can kill you in your sleep. Seriously. Very seriously.
5) The drywaller does not show up to tape and mud. Would have been good to know about two days ago, when I stayed up half of the night to clean up and get ready for him. Now everyone else has sawed wood and made a mess out in the addition, you can't even tell that it was cleaned.
Breathe deeply, get the broom, start over. Actually, Ashley came to my rescue and cleaned it up - I think that Dana could tell that I was "on the edge" and she sent her over to help.
6) About supper time, I noticed that a water line was leaking and dripping all over the new flooring that we had just installed - THAT SPECIFICALLY SAID NOT USE IN ROOMS THAT HAD MOISTURE. Of course, it was the third piece of tile that we had laid and now there was water underneath it and to fix the problem, we would have to rip out all of the floor that just took us five hours to lay. I opted to dry the floor, fix the leak and say nothing. If there is a God, please, please don't make us rip the floor out and start over. Just in case, I made sure that I have some travel money and my passport - because I am NEVER going to go through that hell again!
7) So, all I wanted to point out was that the whole length of ceiling beam had to come down before I could fix the ceiling and WHAM!!, my Dad decides that I am being picky, packs up his tools and goes home. I guess that was one observation more than he could stand from me today. I think that I just lost the only worker that was still talking to me. Maybe it was the tone in my voice????
8) We have had no running water since I turned the dripping water line off. Bathroom facilities are pretty primitive around here. Plumber does not show up either. Great. At least no one is going to catch me peeing outside in the bushes, as no one is ------- showing up to work anyway!
9) Ashley and I spent two hours prying carpet staples out of the subfloor where the new hardwook is going down. A stupid guy must have put them in. Who needs 10 staples per square foot??? Where did they think the underlay was going to go once the carpet was down??? I am sure that some dude did it on purpose, knowing full well that in ten years or so when the carpet needed to be replaced, some poor lady was going to have to pull them all out. I'd like to find that guy right about now...
10) I was dusty and dirty and there is no running water, or coffee, or a toilet that flushes. Most of my fingers were bleeding. It seems like we accomplished nothing in the grand scheme of undone and half done projects, my back hurt and I had a head ache from continuously running air compressors. Mike, Mom and Dad are all mad at me. Ashley looked like she was scared as she sped out of the yeard. I was glad to call it quits for the day.

Oh great, I was still expected to make supper. How does hamburgers flavored with srynine taste?

1 comment:

Lori said...

You rock! You should be writing a daily column to give all of us a much needed chuckle.

Love ya,