Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Lay, Ladies, Lay!!

    This is about the twelfth day in a row that I have had a disappointing number of eggs in the nest boxes when I have made my morning and afternoon inspections. I am like a drill sergeant, marching around, trying to whip these slackers into shape, inspecting pens, nest boxes and perches. Making sure the water is clean, with one exact tablespoon of apple cider vinegar added to each. Checking that there are black sunflower seeds available. Providing the perfect number of hours of supplemental light.

Slackers. All of them.

 I keep cheering them on - Lay, ladies, lay!

The ducks on the other hand are laying GIGANTIC eggs.



Did I mention GIGANTIC eggs? Easily worth two or three chicken eggs a piece. So, I did a little chicken math. If a duck will lay approximately 200 eggs a year and, lets say, each egg replaces TWO chicken eggs then each duck will lay the equivalent of 400 chicken eggs. No chicken can do that!!
So, ladies, I am putting you on notice!!

No eggs... no more chances. Period.

Move over you slackers. If you make me go to the store to buy eggs, I will buy ducks!

Lay, ladies, you had better lay!

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