Thursday, January 10, 2013

Last night after Zumba and yoga, I had the chance to do a "Random Act of Kindness" and help Megan clean the gym. In all actuality, I believe that that little monkey planned to be limping around on her bad foot at the precise moment that I came downstairs from my yoga class! She was limping and looking pretty forlorn at the reality of cleaning that whole gym, while barely able to hobble around. What could I do? About the last thing that I felt like was working out more. One Zumba class and one yoga class, back to back, is in of itself enough exercise for any one day. Cleaning that gym is not an easy feat!! It doesn't look that big - until you look at all the equipment that has to be wiped down, the massive floors that have to be vacuumed and washed and the mirrors...oh, how Megan hates cleaning those mirrors! After checking out her toe (it has been over a week since the weight landed on it) and marvelling at just how many colours the human body can turn, I just knew that I had to help. I actually enjoy working with my daughter (when she isn't bossing me around). Megan comes to my rescue on a pretty regular basis when my shoulder acts up - the last go round this fall, Megan really had to have my back. I missed a lot of work, with the constant routine of doctor, massage, acupuncture, hospital, massage, chiropractor ...repeat, repeat, repeat. I think that is why health commitments is #2 this year on my resolution list. I have to make exercise class non-negotiable. It has to become as necessary as breathing, if I am going to keep on top of this inflammation. Simone gave me a quote yesterday that sort of went like this: "90% is a bitch. 100% is the only answer". I have to commit to work out at those classes 100% and the first time that I falter and reason that I am too tired, too sore, too anything, then I open the door for failure. It will just be too easy to back out at the last minute, the next time. I always feel so good afterwords, I don't know why it is so hard to get into a vehicle and drive to the gym - actually, I probably do know why, if I think about it. I hate winter!! I hate cold!!! I just want to be a bear and hibernate all winter long. But yoga calls. So, for now, and hopefully all winter, I will be stretching, twisting and creaking. I am waging war on that inflammation and I intend to win!

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