Sunday, July 12, 2009

My First Week Of Summer Vacation

Okay, I want to go back to work!! Being on vacation is just too much hard labor and after week one, I can see that I am not going to get any R&R and I might as well just give up!! See why?

Evening #1 - go home from the Inn, dead tired and ready to crash, so that I can sleep in the next morning. Discover that Phillip ( our nephew, who is coming to put the new siding on the workshop) is almost in Pincher Creek and he has driven all day without stopping or eating. Turn off bubble bath and get out frying pan. Finally get to bed around midnight, after visiting and catching up on all his news.
Day #1 - Day starts early, no time to sleep in. The rest of the crew arrives around 8:00am and stops for a quick coffee at the house before going over to the workshop. Make breakfast, clean up , start on lunch, clean up, bake dessert for supper, run to town to get freight (siding company forgot to send touch up paint) pick up Slurpies for crew, rain starts, downpour ensues, all crew come to our house to out wait the storm, doesn't happen, feed everybody supper, go over to workshop and clean drywall dust until 11:00pm
Day #2 - Day starts early again. No rain today - got a full day of work in - didn't know that I was part of the work crew now, picked up garbage and plastic to keep it from blowing away, feed crew twice, paint master bathroom for the LAST time, help put in two windows, plant two flower beds and water grass, answer emails until late at night.
Day #3 - Work at Inn with Shelley's group for the day, work crew has to go to town for lunch. Country Lane red siding is looking pretty good - they are half way around the house by now. BIG MESS!! Start cleaning it up, realize that it is time to start supper, feed crew and then go back and clean up the job site. Drywaller has come and sprayed the ceilings, left the plastic on the floor for the painter. It is looking like a workshop around here, the room has a terrible echo.
Day #4 - Last day for the siding crew. Feed them three square meals, clean the house, get ready for the rest of Phillip's family to arrive, as they are meeting him here to start their summer vacation. The siders work very late into the night, with the aid of floodlights. Take them coffee and dessert around 9:00pm - get stuck cleaning up the mess (again) Painter drops by around 9:30 to do a walk through and look at the job. She does NOT want the plastic on the floor, she wants all of the plastic up, the drywall dust washed off the floor and everything clean when she gets here on Monday. GOOD GRIEF!!
Day # 5 - Siding crew comes EXTRA early to beat the rain and pack up all of the tools, Mike and I visit with Haida and the kids while Phillip puts the finishing touches on the house. Megan drops off her untrained puppy, for us to puppy sit while she goes off to have fun in the Okanagan with her boyfriend. She has two dogs, so that makes a grand total of five dogs for the weekend. Phillip's twins begin to torment dogs. They refuse to leave the little puppy alone. Puppy is peeing and pooping all over my house. %^%^$$^& Lock up dogs, send kids to bed early, get a stiff drink, start washing floors. Visit with Phillip and Haida until wee hours of the AM
Day#6 - Company leaves, as soon as they are down the road, Mike and I take over the HUGE task of washing 1100 square feet of red cement floor. After 15 minutes we realize that we are in over our head. Luckily, Caren comes to the rescue and borrows me a 100 year old floor cleaner with spinning heads. THANK GOD!!!!! We pour water on the floor, run the machine back and forth until it lifts off the drywall mud globs and the dust and then I wash the floor with a mop until I get it clean enough to move on. We wash the floor three times and it still is covered with drywall dust. Back hurts so bad that I think I am going to die!!! Little puppy has made a big mess in my porch and the house is upside down from the company. I am not doing so well, starting to hyperventilate.
Day#7 - Today. Come back to workshop, wash the floor one more time - say "piss on that"...Get tractor and clean up all of the big rubble (old windows and doors) and put them in the dump truck, get stung by a bee, wash drywall dust off the floors in the house, paint the master bathroom (again) because I still don't like the way that it looks, go home and help Mike back fill around the new cement koi pond (only get two sides done and I am so hot and sunburned that I get crabby), Edna arrives to do year end books and so I get a reprieve from more back filling. THANK GOD!!! I am aching all over by now. Notice that puppy is no where to be found, spend half an hour looking for him, find him chewing on a dried up leather-like gopher. Lock the little bastard up. Work on year end books until 10:30. Wash paint brushes and roller. I'm going home!

This is just the first week of my summer vacation. By next week I should be just about dead.

1 comment:

serena said...

oh dear....good luck next week :)