Friday, March 5, 2010

Top Ten Things That Made Me Smile This Week

1) I never thought that I would hear Megan say "I can't afford it right now". Was I hearing things???? Am I getting senile??? I am pretty sure that I heard those exact words come out of her lips this week - and where is she now? Off to Spokane for a shopping trip! Maybe I was hallucinating...

2) After giving my poor Dad a break for the past few weeks, I innocently asked him to built me something - a shelf for above my computer - and he didn't tell me (for a change) that I "have too many ideas". He must be feeling rested again, so now I can hit him up for all of the other things that this workshop needs to make shipping run smoothly! Like bins for the orders that have been pulled, another "coffin" for under the table to store paper in, a pick up box for local ladies etc. etc. etc. (I do have a lot of ideas!) Sorry Dad, back to work!

3) The mud is drying up!!!!!!!!! The front of the workshop looked like a mud bog competition was held here lately. On Monday, five loads of gravel arrived and the sun came out. Yahoo!!!!!

4) Christy fixed my email woes when she was here to pick up kits for all of the events that we are appearing at in the next few weeks. I HAVE FILES TO PUT DESIGN NOTES IN!!! No more deleted emails, girls! I now have a SYSTEM!!!!!

5) I got to meet the manager of the Lethbridge Scrapbooker's Paradise when I went in to drop off their very first selection of Monday Night Class kits and she is very nice. Several days later, I got an email saying that the kits were selling really well and the customers were glad that they were finally there. That really made me smile!

6) I got to take time off and go for a massage this week. Thanks to Simone, I do not hear a "broken glass" sound when I turn my head. I do however, have bruises to prove that my massages are anything but relaxing. I totally had a "no head ache" week and that is something to smile about!

7) My best,best girlfriend is coming to spend the weekend with me and we are going to SCRAPBOOK!! Can't wait for Loretta to get here!!!! I have not got out pictures in ...well, forever!! She is even going to sleep over, so we can scrapbook all night if we want to. Heaven!!!

8) If the weather stays this nice, I am going to wash all of my exterior windows this week. Being able to see through them will make me not only smile, but laugh out loud. Okay, if you saw how dirty they are right now, you would be happy for me too!

9) Mike came over to the workshop with his Rhino and picked up all of the garbage that has been driving me up the wall - bits of hardwood floor and tile, cardboard boxes, underlay and carpet - all of the junk from the reno. Gotta love that guy - one leg and all! He is still stronger, standing on one foot than I am on two good feet. Reed fixed the hot water issues with the floor heating and now we will not be cold any longer. Debbie and Andrea are probably going to be happy next week when we get to ship kits in comfort!

10) I have to say that this is the nicest weather that I can ever remember during calving time. Every farmer in Southern Alberta should be smiling along with me right now!

1 comment:

Shannon Tompkins said...

Reading your happy post made me smile.