Monday, March 22, 2010

Friday Sucked!!!

Friday was not my best day at all - I was just working away on the shipping, minding my own business and everything went wrong. First, I usually go to Mike's doctor's appointments with him, but this Friday was shipping and so he had to go alone. We had been all encouraged by the new doctor that we had seen the week before, he had many ideas of how we could change things up for Mike to get a little relief from his chronic leg pain. However, the new doctor was not WCB friendly and could not write up orders for Mike, but that was no problem, Mike was going to see his surgeon doctor on Friday anyway and all he needed to do was run the suggestions by Dr. Hurdle and then he could prescribe the treatments and drugs. I wrote up the list and Mike faithfully took it to his appointment.
To make a long story, short, Dr. Hurdle did not approve of the drugs that has been suggested, and after some discussion, Mike found out that he (Dr. Hurdle) had actually concocted that drug and DID NOT want Mike even trying it. I guess he should know, being the creator of the drug. Then he told Mike that there was a year long wait to get into the Calgary Pain Clinic and so that was very discouraging. He could put Mike's name on a list, but there was no getting there any earlier. THEN he said that in his opinion, the best thing to to would be to take the leg off above the knee, something that we had been dreading for a very long time. he had recommended it before, but Mike did not want to lose his knee and so they had compromised with "below the knee" in December, instead of what he really wanted to do. Mike was devastated!!!!
That evening, because I could not be home, I phoned Megan to see if she could swing by and spend some time with her Dad and try to cheer him up - but she was dealing with an enormous problem of her own and was crying when she answered the phone. Not the best person to send out to the farm to cheer up Mike!!!! Scrapped that idea!!
So here we go again, another surgery, another set of staples, another hospital stay and a whole 'nother set of problems to deal with - including a new leg, that requires a prolonged stay in a rehabilitation facility to teach him to walk with and operate a much more complicated leg. Not to mention dealing with all of the emotions, seeing as the last amputation was only December 17th, and it had gone so horribly wrong. Yikkes!!! I think that I need to start drinking!


Unknown said...

Gord and I are reading this together and our hearts are with you. Please give Mike our best.


Artytart said...

Oh...God, Cindy. lm so sorry to hear that and l will bring wine on my next visit...lots and lots and lots of wine. l cant believe it. Wish l could be there to give you both a huge hug. Colleen

Shannon Tompkins said...

Cindy, Sorry to hear that this has happened. I had hoped along with you and Mike and family that December's surgery would really help. I am thinking of you.

Kitchen Utensil said...

Drinking is always worth a try! Keep your chin up and someday you both will look back on these years and be thankful they are behind you! Hang in there guys...

Rose said...

So half way throuh your post I had to go back to the top and see if what I was reading was current.
All I have to say is "Oh poo".
Hang in there!

Kimberly said...

I was so hopeful that December would be the end of it all. I am sorry for both you and Mike.
Would you like me to send a CASE of my favorite red wine? Or will a keg of Corona suffice?