This week, it seems like my life is being controlled by things that are out of my control. I am constantly in a state of panic, because I am missing something. Here are 10 random things that there never is enough of:
1) TIME - this big clock stands in my workshop and I am constantly racing against it. Only one more day to complete shipping and check everything for the last time, only one more hour before Debbie has to leave for her doctor's appointment and then there is just Andrea and I for a few more hours, only one more night before Mike comes from his quest for a classic car (which means that I will have to make supper again and I can not stay at the workshop all night, only another week before income tax is overdue, only a week and a half until the new kits go up and this madness starts all over again...
2) cold beer. See list above, not even unlimited cold beer can help me out of this month's mess, but it certainly does help. I can not do income tax without beer and
cigarettes - in vast amounts. That is why I have Edna,my accountant. She takes the edge off and tells me that I am not really going to jail if all of this does not get done on time!
3) white out. I never like to be a position that I have less that three unused white out dispensers. Crossing things out makes me anxious. I have to white mistakes out and have everything look neat and tidy. Edna is bringing back up white out tonight!
4) fresh mozzarella cheese - I can not get any right now and it is driving me crazy. There is only one kind that I like and I have depleted all of the sources in Southern Alberta, as apparently it is only available at Christmas time. Who is in charge of something like this? I want to complain. How can you only make a product at one time of the year? Stupid cheese makers!
5) clean white socks. Because I am basically living in my second home, I am never in my own house long enough to remember that I do not have any clean , white socks. I have tons of other colors, but they play second fiddle to my white ones. It just starts the day off on the wrong foot (no pun intended) if I have to wear dark socks. It's sort of like having a bad hair day or having to use the wrong flavor of toothpaste, because you are out of your favorite kind. By the way, whomever thought of cinnamon toothpaste is a genius!
6) printer ink. Between myself and Monday Night Class, we own and operate seven printers that are in my workshop or in my house. Only two of them take the same ink. My ink bill exceeds my food bill for my family every month, even if you throw in a tank of gas or two as well. I NEVER have the right combination of ink when something runs dry, which at shipping time is about once a day. Even the office products in Pincher Creek can not keep enough stock to
accommodate me. We alternate going around the room and trying different machines, to see if we can squeeze a few more copies out. Today alone, we ran two printers out!
Cheezies. Straight up my favorite snack of all time, which I am out of tonight, after staying up late last night doing books with Edna. I am leaving for town right after I finish this, to get more before tonight's bookwork marathon. If Hawkins ever stops making
Cheezies, I will
undoubtedly starve to death.
8) episodes of Diners, Drive Ins and Dives, my all time favorite cooking show on Food Network TV. Got both cookbooks, love Guy
Ferreri, and before I die, I am going to visit some of the diners that intrigued me the most from the show. Now, thanks to my perm, I also am sporting the same hairdo as Guy!
9) Rubber Maid totes - never met one that I didn't like, couldn't resist buying and then lost! Monday Night Class must own about fifty
Rubbermaid totes that are out there floating around in the world some where. Mike always complains that he should have bought shares in the company, because we would be rich. Little does he know! We'd own the company!
10) Ta
da!!! My favorite thing in the world that I could never have enough of - Windex!!! I will go to my grave and never have to be embalmed from all of the Windex that has leached into my system. I love how it eats glue on workshop tables, dissolves ink and grime and in general will clean anything you want. I buy it two big bottles at a time at Costco and then still have break through purchasing in between (and I go to Costco a lot!). Maybe that is why I have no fingernails, the Windex has eaten them ???
That is why I am going to live forever. With all of the bleach, beer, Cheezies and Windex in my system, no self respecting germ is going to stand a chance at invading my body. I will be preserved forever!