Sunday, April 25, 2010

My Never Ending Dish Obsession

I have a confession to make. I only own three pairs of shoes and one pair of moccasins, I only have one purse and I have but one dress, which can be a funeral dress, a party dress or an event dress depending on the need. I am a hoodie and blue jean girl, nothing fancy, definitely not a clothes horse. But, can I walk past a pretty set of dishes in a store? Absolutely not!!!
I have so many sets of dishes that I have to hide them all over the house, under the spare beds, in the front closet, in with the decorations for that season. I must have about 15 complete sets of tableware, about a dozen partial sets for luncheons or teas or for parties. I can not stop.
I also collect antique platters, my collection numbers in the forties. I used to display a great portion of the platters on my dining room wall - until Mike told me to cease and desist, they were bothering him. I took some of them down and now I rotate the display as the seasons change and the platters need dusting. Marcie used to smuggle new dishes in for me when she came up from Lethbridge, but Mike soon caught on to her and put a stop to that.
For the longest time, Tanya was my new "dish mule" because Mike had not figured out that when she comes up to work from Lethbridge, she brings my latest order from Pier 1 along with her. She comes over to the workshop and unloads when he is not around and until recently we had not been caught. Until this week! Megan happened to be helping make kits when Tanya and I were discussing the new set of dishes that I wanted and that little brat squealed on me!!! She told Mike exactly now much money that I gave Tanya, and he decided to "trap" me when Tanya brought the dishes in on the sly. We were caught red handed!!! It was pretty funny. But now, I have to find a new way to smuggle contraband dish deliveries into the house.
This set of pottery was last summer's find. On a camping trip to Creston with Mike, I stopped by my favorite pottery studio and Mike bought me these new pieces to go along with the set that I was collecting. I love the fruit stands, the grain elevators and the bright cheerful colors of the glaze. I am eagerly looking forward to going back this spring and getting another piece or two.
Hi, my name is Cindy, I have a dish addiction, it has been two weeks since I last bought some dishes....


Shannon Tompkins said...

You never cease to amaze me ... or crack me up. I never took you for the addicted type. So funny! I guess getting you gifts of dishes would be fab!

Tanya said...

Don't worry Cindy I am still watching for new and amazing dishes. In fact I have already picked up a few things for you and I've only been up here two weeks. I think your addiction has rubbed off on me :P